Integrated Project 1

Making democratic institutions work


IP 1 (2002) 28 25 November 2002

Transparency of the financing of political parties
and their democratic functioning
Meeting report

Expert workshop, Strasbourg, 18 October 2002

I Context and objectives

International IDEA

IV Towards the consolidation of existing standards and the development of practical tools for the improvement of democratic practice in the field of party finance

Specific issues related to sub-national and supra-national parties, in particular with regard to control mechanisms, should be addressed.


List of participants

Mr Eero J. AARNIO, Counsellor of Legislation, Ministry of Justice, P.O. Box 25,
FIN-00023 Government. Former member of GMC

Dr Ingrid van BIEZEN, Department of Political Science, Johns Hopkins University,
359 Mergenthaler Hall, 3400 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218 - USA

Permanent address: Department of Political Science, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT, United Kingdom

Ms Gillian DELL, Coordinator on political corruption, Transparency International, Otto-Suhr-Allee 97-99, D-10585 Berlin, Germany

M Yves-Marie DOUBLET, Maître de conférence, Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA), Paris, France

Mr Dirk DRIJBOOMS, Senior Executive, International IDEA, UN House, 14, rue Montoyer, 1000 Brussels – B

Mr Robert FREMR, High Court in Prague, Vrchni soud u Praze, Nàm. Hrdinu, 1300, Praha 140 00, Czech Republic, Former Chair of the GMC’s working group on the funding of political parties and election campaigns

Mr Péter HAVAS, Association of Central and Eastern European Election Officials
(ACEEEO), Budapest, Hungary

Mr Wilhelm LEHMANN, Administrator, Division of international and constitutional affairs, Directorate General for Research, European Parliament, SCH 04 A 026, L-2929 Luxembourg

Mr Alex MATHESON, Head of the Budgeting and Management Division,
Directorate for Public Governance and Territorial Development, OECD,
2, rue André-Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex

Dr Martin MORLOK, Professor, Institute for German and European Party Law, Gebäude 24.91, Universitätstrasse 1, D-40225 Düsseldorf

M François SAINT-OUEN, Fondation pour l’économie et le développement durable des régions d’Europe, 12, rue de l' Arquebuse, CH -1204 Geneva, expert for CLRAE on party finance

Mr Emil TSENKOV, Senior fellow, Centre for the Study of Democracy, 1, Tzvetan Radoslavov Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria

Mr Keith WHITMORE, Chair of the Committee on Sustainable Development, CLRAE, Councillor, Manchester City Council, 28 Scarisbrick Rd, Levenshulme,
M19 2BS – Manchester – UK

Secretariat IP 1 :

“Making democratic institutions work” / “Les institutions démocratiques en action”

Mr Michael REMMERT, Project Manager

Ms Irena GUIDIKOVA, Project Administrator

Ms Anne GODFREY, Secretary

Mrs Christiane LUPO-JONES, Secretary



Mr Günter MUDRICH, Secretary of the Chamber of Regions, CPLRE

Mr Dan POPESCU, Administrator, Directorate General of Legal Affairs, Local Democracy

Mr Gaël MARTIN-MICALLEF, Administrator, Directorate General of Legal Affairs, Division of Elections and Referendums, Venice Commission

Mr Christophe SPECKBACHER, Administrator, Directorate General I, Legal Affairs, Economic Crime Division


Non-exhaustive list of documents
relating to the financing of political parties

Council of Europe

CM (96) 12, Groupe de projet « Droits de l’homme et démocratie véritable » (CAHDD). Rapport final d’activité « Financement des partis politiques »

Conférence européenne des services spécialisés dans la lutte contre la corruption 
Le trafic d'influence et le financement illégal des partis politiques - Actes, Madrid, octobre 1998 (2000); ISBN : 92-871-4254-8

Parliamentary Assembly, Recommendation 1516 (2001): Financing of Political Parties

Parliamentary Assembly, Doc. 9077 (4 mai 2001) : Report on the Financing of Political Parties: Political Affairs Committee, Rapporteur: Ms Vlastá Stepová, Czech Republic, Socialist Group

CDL-INF(2001)008 Guidelines and Report on the Financing of Political Parties: adopted by the Venice Commission at its 46th Plenary Meeting, (Venice, 9-10 March 2001)

CPLRE Recommendation 86 (2000) on the financial transparency of political parties and their democratic functioning at regional level

CPR (7) rev Part II. The Financial transparency of political parties and their democratic functioning at regional level. Rapporteur Mr Haegi (Switzerland)

CM Rec(2000)10 on codes of conduct for public officials

GMC Draft Recommendation Rec(2002) .. of the Committee of Ministers to member states on common rules against corruption in the funding of political parties and election campaigns (working document, not available online).

GMC (1999) 23 rev, Working Group on the Funding of Political Parties (GMCF). Summary of Member and Observer States’ replies to Political party and Observer states’ replies to political party and candidate funding questionnaire, (DGI, Legal Affairs)

Model initiatives package of CDLR (working document, not available online)

Documents of other organisations

IDEA – Administration and cost of elections project (partly covers the subject)

Max Planck Institute: Financing of political parties in comparative perspective (In German)

Czech manual on party finance

Party Finance in Comparative Perspective

A model law on financing of political parties

European parliament, Report on the proposal for a Council regulation on the statute and financing of European political parties - Committee on Constitutional Affairs

1 A body composed of representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Venice Commission, and the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe

2 PACE Recommendation 1516 (2002)

3 The conclusions of the conference are available at: